A Note Just For Bloggers
Welcome, fellow blogger! I'm so glad you're here.
Blogging has changed my life in an amazing way, and even though I don't talk a lot about in's and out's of blogging on KalynBrooke.com {I'm busy running my own online business!}, I'm honored to share a little part of my journey to full-time blogging with you. I could talk strategy all day long!
However, I do want to say a couple things first.
I know there is a lot of “blogging noise” on the internet nowadays, and my goal is to never contribute to it. I, like you, get tired of the hype. It's frustrating to see bloggers who only make money telling others how to blog. It drives me nuts!
So please know that I'm not about overnight success, crazy high income reports, or even sleezy sales tactics. What I am is REAL. I only share proven tips that I've personally used and implemented.
I've also rounded up a handful of posts I wrote about blogging:
- How to Start a Money-Making Blog (The Right Way) is extremely helpful if you've never started a blog before, or feel like you're missing some of the basics.
- Can You Really Make a Full-Time Income with Your Blog includes real numbers so you can exactly how I do it and where the money comes from!
- And if you're interested in learning more about the tools and resources that keep this blog up and running, check out this Massive List of Resources for Bloggers.
One last thought….
Your blogging journey will be different than everyone else. Be okay with that. Embrace it. Some people make a full-time income by year one, others {like me} have built their business over a span of 2-3 years.
We all have different audiences, personalities, and even times of year, that affect our blogs and how fast we grow. It's not wrong….just different. So take my advice and stop comparing. You just have to put your head down and do the work.
I'm rooting for you!