3 Reasons Why You Should Become a Morning Person
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If you ever said I would be one of those people who got up at 5am every morning, I would have laughed at you. I am NOT a morning person, nor am I really a night owl either. I seem to have this 2 hour window between 4-6pm where I feel energized and that's about it!
But my to-do list was never even close to being finished at the end of the day, and I was always overwhelmed and frustrated as a result. Was I just really slow? Were there too many distractions? Why did I always feel so behind!?
Then it hit me. Everyone who I considered pretty successful was getting up much earlier than I was, and I wondered if just a few extra hours on the front end could make that big of a difference.
On a whim, I set my alarm the next day for 5am, and while it was no walk in the park getting up, a couple glasses of ice cold water helped me dive straight into my to-do list. By the end of the day, I had accomplished almost everything on there!
Well, now I'm addicted.
Even though I still don't think of myself as a “morning person”, I get way more done in the 5am-8am time slot than I ever did in an entire day. My productivity has literally skyrocketed and I couldn't be more thrilled with the results!
Now more than ever, I'm absolutely convinced that anyone can choose to become a morning person, and should, especially if you always feel behind. It will take your body time to get used to it, but I promise you'll quickly become hooked too.
Still need convincing? Here's why getting up early is totally worth it.
1. You Develop a Routine
Routines might sound restricting, but I truly believe we thrive when we have boundaries and consistent schedules. It means we know exactly what to expect, and can plan our days around some semblance of normalcy {even if our lives feel like anything but!}
When I get up at 5am every morning, I know immediately what my plan is for the next few hours:
- Take a shower and get dressed
- Start writing any content pieces I need to get done for the current or following week
- Check email for anything urgent or needing my immediate attention
- Breakfast at 8am
If I didn't have a plan, I would be squandering those precious hours and scramble for the rest of the day to get them back. This alone, is enough motivation to get me out of bed in the morning!
2. You Don't Feel Rushed
The most surprising aspect of getting up early is less stress. And it makes complete sense.
Because I get the hardest task of my day out of the way first {writing}, everything else on my to-do list seems more manageable, and I don't feel rushed to finish them. Instead, I work through at my own pace, knowing that my most important tasks are already done.
Even so, I'm always shocked at how many tasks I'm able to get through now that my morning hours are finally productive. In fact, sometimes I'm able to end the day with everything crossed off my list, and I sit for a minute wondering what I should do next. Believe me, though, that doesn't last too long before I find something!
3. You Get More Done
You might not get everything done on your to-do list {especially if you write long ones like me!}, but you make way more progress if you start earlier. Because the morning is quiet, I'm able to breeze through my hard tasks much easier than later in the day when everyone else's has started.
This is especially true if you have big goals in mind on those lists. Maybe you have a few DIY projects saved on Pinterest that you'd like to try, or want to tackle a new skill or hobby. You might even want to write a book, or read more of them!
To do any of these extra things, you must carve time out of your day that isn't normally available, and early mornings are the perfect opportunity. I'm finding that not only do I have time for the things I have to do, but I now have time for the things I want to do too.
If you're ready to take back your mornings and turn those early hours into a powerhouse of productivity, you might want to consider the course, Make Over Your Mornings, by Crystal Paine. In just 15 minutes a day, you can develop a successful morning routine, streamline your to-do list, and experience more focus and clarity in your daily life.
I've already been through all the videos and accompanying workbook, and Crystal's advice has been so helpful as I continue to refine my own personal morning time.
I know this lifestyle is not for everyone, and if you work best in the evenings, you probably think I'm a little crazy right now. But when I couldn't find ANY time of day when I was most productive, I was desperate to try the extreme…..and it worked!
If you're struggling with a to-do list that doesn't get done, and are overwhelmed, I dare you to try getting up at a specific time for at least a week. It's going to be hard, but it's also going to be worth it. And you might become just as addicted to it as I have!
Are you currently a morning person?
What's holding you back?
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