10 Money Rules Every 30 Year-Old Should Know
Mistakes in life can lead to financial disaster, but if you follow this step-by-step financial advice for your 30s, you’ll quickly find yourself back on track. You especially don’t want to overlook #9!
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Mistakes in life can lead to financial disaster, but if you follow this step-by-step financial advice for your 30s, you’ll quickly find yourself back on track. You especially don’t want to overlook #9!
Emergency Funds are crucial to survive life’s unexpected expenses, but where do you find the extra money to start one? Here’s how I turned my medical emergency into a money making challenge, and what I did to build an Emergency Fund FAST!
Don’t let the unexpected costs of owning a home wipe out your entire bank account. Here are 6 ideas to keep maintenance costs low, and repairs as manageable as possible. You’ll wish you would have done #1 sooner!
Do you work outside the home, but wonder if you could afford to stay home with your kids instead? Kim from Thrifty Little Mom took that leap of faith five years ago, and is sharing 6 ways to be smart with your finances throughout the entire transition. You will love her practical tips and tricks to successfully live on one income!