The Top 7 Books I Read In 2021 (+39 Other Awesome Titles!)
Life is too short to read boring books. Here are the ones I loved in 2021 and can’t stop thinking about!
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Life is too short to read boring books. Here are the ones I loved in 2021 and can’t stop thinking about!
In a reading rut? Let go of the books holding you back in your to-read stack and reach for one of these engrossing novels instead!
Wondering how to organize ALL of your books? This time-saving app catalogues everything you’ve read and want to read. It’s a book lover’s gold mine!
Instead of reading more books, what if you focused on reading the RIGHT books? As an intentional reader, you have the power to shape and influence your life based on the next book you pick up. Here’s my 3-step system for deciding what your next book should be.
If you’re frustrated because you don’t have much {if any} time to read, I’ve got three practical solutions to help make reading a priority in your life again. Plus, I’m sharing my FAVORITE books from 2016 to help jumpstart your list!
Show your favorite bookworm how much you care with a gift that speaks their literary language! From cute tees to cozy mugs, you’re sure to find a gem nestled in this delightful lineup.
Summer is finally here, and it’s the perfect time to squeeze a few more books into your schedule! These top Summer reads provide an afternoon of fun and relaxation, whether you’re lounging by the pool, sunning on the beach, or cozied up in a big chair right at home!