7 Powerful Confidence Boosters to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Do you struggle with insecurity? Learn how to boost self-esteem with these seven secrets, and break through the cycle of negativity for good!

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This post is sponsored by Mirum Shopper, however, all opinions and tendency to self-sabotage are 100% my own.

Do you struggle with low self-esteem? Don't let the fear of failure erase your drive to succeed. These seven self-esteem activities break through the flurry of negative thoughts, so you can find emotional healing and embrace your true worth. #selfesteem #confidenceboosters #selfcare

I am probably the most insecure person I know.

I question everything and struggle making the smallest decisions. I compare my weaknesses to other's strengths, then wonder why I can never measure up. Oh, and I'm also a professional at self-sabotage. It's a sickness, really!

But I know I'm not alone. We ALL have moments of self-doubt and low self-esteem, don’t we?

Whether it's a magazine flaunting a flawless model, or an Instagram feed reminding us of our own boring life, it doesn't take much to start the cycle of negative thoughts. And once they get going, it's incredibly hard to stop.

The thing is—we CAN do something about it! These 7 confidence boosters significantly improve your self-esteem on even the roughest of days. Get ready to feel strong, independent, and on top of the world!

1. Do Something You Love

Do you have a favorite pastime or hobby? Maybe it's playing the piano, hiking, knitting, or testing a brand new recipe.

Whatever it is that brings you joy….make time for it and see how this activity affects your self-esteem in a positive way. As much as I wish we were superwomen, we can't work ourselves into the ground and wake up ready to tackle another day. We need to recoup—and this is the best way to do it!

Part of my evening routine is to spend at least 20 minutes getting lost in a good book. It refreshes my soul, and gives me a break from the daily grind. It's also one of my favorite parts of the day!


2. Compliment Your Strengths

We all have weaknesses, but we have a lot of strengths too. What would happen if we chose to focus on the positive qualities rather than the negative? It might be hard to think of all the things you love about yourself, but I dare you take a minute and think of three characteristics right now.

Alright, I'll go first. Hmmmm….I'm a pretty good listener, compassionate toward animals, and meaningful gift-giving is one of my famous specialities. Okay, that exercise felt really weird. But it also reminded me that I'm not all that bad!

Now it's your turn. Tell me what you love about yourself in the comments, then choose to reflect on those things rather than what you don't like. I guarantee it will improve your mood instantly and give you a new appreciation for yourself!

3. Replace Negative Self-Talk with Positive Words

When I was going through my dark days of depression, a therapist told me to replace my negative thoughts with a positive version. If I wouldn't say it to a friend, than I certainly shouldn't say it to myself! And you know what? It really helped me turn things around and stop beating myself up all the time.

Here are some examples:

  • Instead of saying, “I'm so stupid….I could have done better” –> say, “Well, I did my best. I'll just try again next time!”
  • Instead of saying, “I'm so fat” –> say, “I'm beautiful no matter my size, and I love myself the way I am.”
  • Instead of saying, “I never do anything right” –> Take a look around at your family and friends & see how they look up to you—yes, you DO do things right!

The next time you're tempted to tear yourself down, think about what your best friend would tell you. Would she be positive and encouraging? Then you deserve to treat yourself the same way. You'll be amazed at how much a positive phrase can change your perspective.


4. Stop Playing the Comparison Game

I absolutely hate admitting this, but there is one blogger I constantly compare myself too. I can't measure up to her standards, and honestly, there are some days when I just want to quit. WHY do my thing when she can apparently do hers better?

But this only makes me feel even more miserable. It's also not very healthy! That's why we have to avoid the comparison trap as much as possible. Even if it means taking drastic measures to avoid any and all situations that will bring up those ugly feelings again {for instance, unfollowing them on social media}.

Whoever it is that you envy, remember this—you are not them. You are not in the same place in life as them. You have different skills and talents than them. You are YOU, and if there's any comparison to be done at all, I want you to look at your own journey and be proud of how far you've come today.

5. Make a Healthy Choice

I'm sure you've heard this before, but our health has a powerful impact on our mood. Just live on sugar and carbs for a day and see how you feel compared to a good balance of meat, veggies, fruits and nuts. In fact, when I went on my sugar detox, it was the best I've felt in a really long time!

Daily exercise, or at least some sort of brisk activity, is another must. It doesn't have to be an hour long workout either. I'm always amazed at how much my mood improves after a 20 minute cardio burst or quick walk around the neighborhood.

Not only will your body thank you, you'll also feel like you can conquer ANYTHING.


Psst….exercising is way more fun when you have cute accessories. These are my favorite workout essentials!

6. Set Realistic Goals

I am a huge proponant of goal-setting and thrive when I have an ambitious dream to work towards. But I also have a tendency to set unrealistic goals too. And what do you know…..when I can't meet them, I feel like a total failure!

That doesn't mean I can't dream big though. In fact, I think it's healthy to set goals that are a bit out of reach. But you also need smaller goals leading up to your big goal, with very clear action steps to achieve them. 

You won't feel overwhelmed at everything you have to accomplish between now and then, and those quick wins will give your self-esteem a big boost. Besides, when you do meet those goals, you are going to feel SO good!

7. Look Your Best

Just like food, clothes can have a huge impact on our mood. I always feel {and look} like a frump when I throw on a pair of ratty sweats, and top it off with an old t-shirt from my youth group days.

You don't have to look like you're hitting the red carpet, but I have to tell you—whenever I take time to choose a nice top, style my hair, and put on a little mascara, I'm instantly ready to face the day with confidence.


When you look your best, you are telling yourself that yes, you CAN do this and you WILL succeed. Take a look in the mirror and choose to start your day off right!

One Final Note

52%* of girls feel that negative posts, comments, videos and photos on social media, damage their confidence. With access to more technology than ever before, girls are comparing themselves to others and setting incredibly unrealistic goals. And that's not okay.

That's why I'm thankful there are companies—like Dove—on a mission to change our perception of beauty. You’ve seen their inspiring commercials, right? This “Change One Thing” video hits so close to home!


When you purchase a Dove product at your local Sam's Club, you are supporting positive self-esteem in over 20 million girls worldwide. I'm thrilled to help break the chain of negativity in this small way!

All of us struggle with self-confidence, but we don't have to let it rule over us anymore. Let's show other women and girls they have value, by how we value ourselves. Deal?

What do you want to teach your daughters, friends, and sisters about confidence and self-esteem?

{*Dove: #SpeakBeautiful Girls Research” March 2016}

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.


  1. Some things I love about myself is how easily motivated and determined I am at accomplishing goals. I can keep myself motivated and get things done when I need them to be. I also love how much I care about animals and others. I would give the shirt off my back to keep a small cat warm, and happily give up my dinner to feed the hungry.

    When my friends and loved ones start doubting their self worth, I try to remind them of all the things that make them amazing. Sometimes just hearing it from someone else can make all the difference, and it makes a huge impact on their self esteem.

    1. Those are awesome traits, Lindsey! You have always been a super encouragement to me here online. I love knowing that I’m going to see a comment from you every-time something new goes up! 🙂

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