The Best Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ideas for All Ages
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I've been packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child for what seems like forever. It's one of my favorite charities, and although it might seem a lot easier to give money rather than spend time packing a shoebox, the latter is way more gratifying.
Plus, it's fun to shop for someone else, especially for a child that might not have otherwise received a gift at all!
In case you're not familiar with Operation Christmas Child (or OCC for short), it's an annual gift campaign Samaritan's Purse runs every year to bless children in need around the world.
Each individual or family packs a shoebox with age-specific gifts, then drops them off at a donation center during collection week, after which OCC processes and delivers these boxes directly to the intended recipients.
What Items Should You Include?
If you've never sent one of these special shoebox gifts, you may be wondering where to begin and what to include. You don't have to spend a lot of money to impact the life of a child overseas!
- Dollar stores can be a great source for inexpensive toys, towels, washcloths, and t-shirts.
- You'll find pens, pencils, notepads, stickers, and small containers at Target's Dollar Spot.
- You can also order small toys, school supplies, and crafts online from places like Amazon.
You should also note there are things that cannot be included in an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox, such as:
- Liquids and food (including hard candy and gum) are not allowed.
- Toothbrushes are fine, but toothpaste cannot be included.
- Play dough is not recommended since it doesn't last long in hot climates.
- Because the shoeboxes have to be bulk shipped, fragile items are not good choices either.
So what exactly can you pack in an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox? Below are several suggestions to consider. They are divided into gender and age categories as outlined by the Samaritan's Purse organization.
Operation christmas child ideas for each age group
Ideas for all shoeboxes:
- Plastic reusable box with lid (instead of a cardboard shoebox)
- Flashlights (include extra batteries)
- Towel or washcloth
- Bar soap
- T-shirt (plain with no words or logos)
- School supplies
- Backpack
- Travel pack of tissues
Ideas for Boys 10-14:
- Soccer ball with a manual pump
- Frisbee
- Hacky sack
- Toothbrush
- Solar powered calculator
- Wristwatch
- Playing cards
- Small tool set
Ideas for Boys 5-9:
- Soccer ball with a manual pump
- Marbles
- Toy car
- Fishing kit
- Adhesive bandages
- Comb
- Safety scissors
- Pencil and notebook
- Hat
Ideas for Boys 2-4:
- Stuffed animal
- Plastic toys and figures (nothing war related)
- Crayons and coloring book
- Sunglasses
- Picture book
- Foam ball
- Socks
Ideas for Girls 10-14:
- Soccer ball with a manual pump
- Headlamp
- Slinky
- Hairbrush
- Hair ties
- Colored pencils and a manual sharpener
- Journal or notebook
- Tote bag or purse
- Sewing kit
Ideas for Girls 5-9:
- Doll or stuffed animal
- Bouncy balls and jacks
- Small Etch-a-Sketch
- Pens and crayons
- Coloring book or notebook
- Flip flops
- Sticky notes
- Jewelry
- Jump rope
Ideas for Girls 2-4:
- Doll or stuffed animal
- Plastic toys and figurines (nothing war related)
- Reusable plastic cup/plate
- Stickers
- Finger puppets
- Small Lego set
- Hair bows
- T-shirt
- Socks
Once your shoebox is packed, your next step is to deliver it to a collection location. Shoeboxes are collected the third week of November. Follow this link to find the collection location nearest you. To print a shipping label, pay for shipping and find even more information, visit Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child.
After all, no amount of gifts you receive could ever match the feeling of giving one, wouldn't you agree? And giving a gift to someone truly in need makes it even that much more satisfying!
How many shoeboxes will you be packing this year?
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I love the sunglasses idea! Just make sure they are polarized because sun glasses create shade causing your eye to dialate. If the sunglasses are not uv protected, they will allow sunlight to come through to they eye and cause damage to a person’s eyes.
Oh, I love this post so much as a year-round volunteer with Operation Christmas Child! Thank you for sharing!
Sorry, I don’t agree with your suggestions of going to a Dollar Store for “cheap” items or a cheap, inexpensive washcloth. This might be the only washcloth these sweet little ones ever see, who knows! I buy the most expensive, luxurious one I can find! Aren’t they worth it?
That’s awesome Christy! I included options from the Dollar Store because sometimes people have a very limited budget and don’t feel like they have the opportunity to give, but I believe anyone can be generous, even if your budget is $10 – $15.
Thanks for your post. Lots of helpful suggestions. I could do without the shaming on where gifts are bought. Is virtue signaling really the spirit of Jesus? Thanks. Peace and Love, Anna
i started packing a shoebox every year when our son was 9; he’s now 38! We packed for an older boy with things our son chose: A metal car or truck (larger Matchbox size), a blue racquetball, baseball cap, YoYo, socks, T shirt Ivory soap (because it’s unscented and floats) wrapped in aluminum foil and put in a ziplock bag, a washcloth, small brush and comb set, toothbrush, a pencil case filled of pencils, black ink pens, colored pencils, a large eraser and a pencil sharpener (all removed from their packaging) , a ruler, small solar calculator, small flashlight with extra batteries, a thick 6/7 “x 9” spiral notebook. (I deleted Necco Wafer candy, gum and toothpaste.)
I continued to pack a box every year, even when our son went off to college and grad school. One item I found that I always look for is a good metal HARMONICA, which you can still find at Cracker Barrel gift shops.
I never shopped in Dollar stores because I was buying items I would want my child to receive. I spent about $50 every year on a special box for a special child. School supplies and a quality toy will bring more joy than a lot of cheap stuff. You are representing your Lord and your county so be generous with your gifts of love.
That’s awesome, Margaret! I’m so glad you’ve been carrying on this tradition for almost 30 years! It truly is inspiring.
My message about encouraging people to consider dollar stores is because sometimes people have a very limited budget and don’t feel like they have the opportunity to give, but I believe anyone can be generous, even if your budget is $10 – $15.
Absolutely agree! I never buy anything at the Dollar Tree except coloring books and stickers (and maybe color crayons if I need to fill another box last minute – I usually buy crayons cheaply when school sales are on.) Most of the things that people talk about buying at Dollar Tree for the boxes are things my kids would discard in a minute – why should poor kids be given these things? I can pick up really really nice stuffed animals after Valentine’s Day and Easter – or brand new stuffies with tags still on at Value Village – all for $3-$5. School supplies are super cheap in the summer. Walmart sells playground balls and pumps for very cheap – and I’m assuming kids from age 2-14 would all love a ball. Last year Walmart sold Uno games for $2 after Christmas – the directions are written in many languages – and so this year I included those in my boxes.
Well, I typically pack quite a few boxes/have for years,& my income is limited. Therefore, I do a combination of things… I buy things like pencils and notebooks and drawing pads and rulers and Scissors And pencil sharpeners/sometimes solar calculators/I have returned to a place a couple of years after I took solar calculators. They are from Dollar Tree and those kids are still using the same calculator… Maybe nail clippers, and such things, at Dollar Tree. If things are basically the same quality, but you can save money on them, then to me, that allows money left over to spend on more shoeboxes! I watch for sales, especially at Walmart or CVS, etc., at the end of summer or after a holiday, and get a lot of things like yo-yos and small toys, at half-price. But, when it comes to things like washcloths, I do not get the cheapest one, but I also don’t go and spend several dollars on each one at Dillards 🐸/I try to find a happy medium. . I have chosen to buy very decent ones at Walmart or I also often purchase 100% cotton cloths at Hobby lobby/for example the ones they have to wipe a counter with that are for a specific season/so I might get orange and brown ones when they switch over from fall to Christmas items . I have spent a lot of time in the developing world doing mission work and so my aim is to pack very decent boxes, on a budget🐸. Another suggestion that I have is two try to find out where the boxes from your area go… The boxes in my area go to Africa mostly but I know a lady who collects and puts together hundreds of boxes each year, which is a wonderful thing but she has people make Handknitted scarves, and gloves… Which most likely will not be needed!! In another thing… Don’t ever think that sunglasses are frivolous… If you are a child or teenager in the developing world, then they protect your eyes from the sun when you are walking to a well or tending cows, etc.… And they protect your eyes from gravel sprayed up by a motorcycle if you’re walking along a road… 🙃
Well, I typically pack quite a few boxes/have for years,& my income is limited. Therefore, I do a combination of things… I buy things like pencils and notebooks and drawing pads and rulers and Scissors And pencil sharpeners/sometimes solar calculators/I have returned to a place a couple of years after I took solar calculators. They are from Dollar Tree and those kids are still using the same calculator… Maybe nail clippers, and such things, at Dollar Tree. If things are basically the same quality, but you can save money on them, then to me, that allows money left over to spend on more shoeboxes! I watch for sales, especially at Walmart or CVS, etc., at the end of summer or after a holiday, and get a lot of things like yo-yos and small toys, at half-price. But, when it comes to things like washcloths, I do not get the cheapest one, but I also don’t go and spend several dollars on each one at Dillards 🐸/I try to find a happy medium. . I have chosen to buy very decent ones at Walmart or I also often purchase 100% cotton cloths at Hobby lobby/for example the ones they have to wipe a counter with that are for a specific season/so I might get orange and brown ones when they switch over from fall to Christmas items . I have spent a lot of time in the developing world doing mission work and so my aim is to pack very decent boxes, on a budget🐸. Another suggestion that I have is two try to find out where the boxes from your area go… The boxes in my area go to Africa mostly but I know a lady who collects and puts together hundreds of boxes each year, which is a wonderful thing but she has people make Handknitted scarves, and gloves… Which most likely will not be needed!! In another thing… Don’t ever think that sunglasses are frivolous… If you are a child or teenager in the developing world, then they protect your eyes from the sun when you are walking to a well or tending cows, etc.… And they protect your eyes from gravel sprayed up by a motorcycle if you’re walking along a road… 🙃 Also, if I could suggest, try to give a child some things to develop their minds and spark creativity… like a small musical instrument, or a pack of pipe cleaners from Dollar Tree, even! Or a magnet set!! Modeling clay($ Tree) Most of these kids have NOTHING, and sparking their imagination is a WONDERFUL thing!!
i like cheetos
Thanks for commenting.
School supplies, tools, hygiene items, clothing, and sturdy toys have more lasting value than things that aren’t durable. I’d like to hope that a kid will use items in my boxes for years.
I hope the same thing for the boxes I send!
I have been purchasing items for the shoe boxes since right after Christmas 2019, I am packing 50 boxes. I will have a lot of items left over which I will donate to my church . They normal will have a Operation Christmas Child stuffing party in the being of November, if they do not have a party I will ask them if I can use the items to stuff more boxes.
Wow! That’s a lot of boxes!!
Boys age 10-14 are always the least packed age. I include a cap, screwdriver, screws, hammer, nails, bandana, twine. Sometimes I pack a plastic tool box instead of a cardboard box.
Those are some really great ideas Becky!
What category do they get the fewest that they need most of?
That’s a good question Lila. I looked on their website and didn’t find much info on if there is a specific age group that they have more need for than others. My guess would be the older selections as many people really enjoy the idea of giving gifts to babies. That is purely a guess though!
From what I have observed both at the collection center at my church and at the processing centers, boxes for 5-9 year olds are about double in number those for either the younger or older ages.
Thanks for this information!!
To answer your question, in case you haven’t gotten an answer yet… The age range they get the least amount of boxes is 12-14, particularly boys.
Working on 12 Then I read that a full container holds 15. Trying to gather all the last minute items.
That’s awesome, Pat!